Sep 17, 2009

Speaking Spaces

In the process of amalgamating the ideas and creating them into forms, the studio spaces here speak in a language of their own. As the residency is approaching towards a mark, the explorations within these spaces are becoming nuanced, coherent and discursive. These can be understood as the inspirations the studio as a creative site has provided with its spatial ability. However, there is diversity in the way in which each of these spaces articulates as they are mobilized by different practitioners. Aditya and Meghna perceive the space as a page and attempt to create space within that defined page. They Move away from the conventional mode of approaching towards the form of page and transform the studio space itself into a page that constantly re-configures/re-shuffles itself.

Logaine brings together objects like paper sheets, mirrors, bird cages, at her work place and negotiates with them while developing the desired form. It is also interesting the way in which she incorporates text in to this process, these texts are micro narratives that speak within and outside of the frame.Her attempts stand asRandom Reflections to various aspects that she came across day after day.

Sachin’s studio space is a paper workshop where unimaginable formal structures arrive from sheets and rolls of paper. These structures in this specific context are criticisms of architectures that constitute to visual bombardment within an urban landscape. Questioning as to How Long? How Far? will be our existence within such spaces.

Sukanya Ghosh’s studio seems like a collage of diverse material such as found images, news paper cuts etc waiting for their turn to decipher meanings. Though collaged within a particular frame every instance in this case has its own story to tell. As different material and meanings came to place this attempt is called as a Full Scape Folio, a conceptual structure that binds all these diversities together.

Sebastian Corodova re-situated his studio to the guest house saying that the space speaks his language.This re-location is ought to produce newer methodologies as there is a displacement from the studio spaces of the residency where thoughts are collectively shared and discussed.

It is an established understanding that meanings are produced according to spaces. An object may decipher different meanings in different spaces as its function is being manipulated according to the space. Keeping some of these Instances in mind this was an attempt to briefly map the newer ideas/strategies/processes the current international residency has brought while dealing with the thematic of book making.

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